
1. Kantareddy SN, Mathews I, Sun S, Layurova M, Thapa J, Correa-Baena JP, Buonassisi RB, Sarma SE, Peters IM. Perovskite PV-powered RFID: Enabling Low Cost Self-Powered IoT sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2019 Sep 3.

2. O'Brien JM, Hulse PB, Ehrenberg IM, Inventors; Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc, Assignee. Antenna with Frequency Selective Surface. United States Patent Application US 16/287,269. 2019 Aug 29.

3. Mathews I, Kantareddy SN, Sun S, Layurova M, Thapa J, Correa‐Baena JP, Bhattacharyya R, Buonassisi T, Sarma S, Peters IM. Self‐Powered Sensors Enabled by Wide‐Bandgap Perovskite Indoor Photovoltaic Cells. Advanced Functional Materials. 2019 Aug 12:1904072.

4. Jain P, Sarma SE. Measuring Light Transport Properties using Speckle Patterns as Structured Illumination. Scientific reports. 2019 Aug 1; 9(1):11157.

5. Ehrenberg IM, Wu BI, Sarma SE, Inventors; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The United States of America, as Represented by the Secretary of the Air Force, Assignee. Stencil masks for Making Conformable Electromagnetic Device Structures. United States patent application US 15/478,509. 2019 Jul 9.

6. Brian Subirana. “Back to the Future. Anticipating Regulatory Hurdles within IoT Pelotons.” The Internet of Things (Chapter 21). Book edited by The American Bar Association 2019, ISBN: 978-1-64105-363-1. 

7. Siegel JE, Beemer MF, Shepard SM. Automated Non-Destructive Inspection of Fused Filament Fabrication Components Using Thermographic Signal Reconstruction. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.02634. 2019 Jul 5.

8. Suo D, Sarma SE. A Test-Driven Approach for Security Designs of Automated Vehicles. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2019 Jun 9 (pp. 26-32). IEEE.

9. DeBitetto PA, Phan LN, Rasmussen S, Sarma S, Inventors; Top Flight Technologies Inc, Assignee. Navigation System for a Drone. United States Patent Application US 16/254,984. 2019 May 23.

10. Siegel JE, Sarma S. Using Open Channels to Trigger the Invited, Unintended Consequences of the Internet of Things. IEEE Security & Privacy. 2019 May 10; 17(3):49-55.

11. Siegel J, Sarma S. A Cognitive Protection System for the Internet of Things. IEEE Security & Privacy. 2019 May 10; 17(3):40-8.

12. Kantareddy SN, Mathews I, Bhattacharyya R, Peters IM, Buonassisi T, Sarma SE. Long Range Battery-Less PV-Powered RFID Tag Sensors. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2019 Apr 26.

13. Sarma SE, Bhattacharyya R, Swanson CD, Inventors; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Diagnostics For All Inc, Assignee. Wireless RFID-Based Anemia Sensing System. United States Patent Application US 16/093,194. 2019 Apr 25.

14. Phan LN, Sarma SE, DeBitetto PA, Inventors; Top Flight Technologies Inc, Assignee. Portable Launch System. United States Patent Application US 16/162,779. 2019 Apr 18.

15. Bhattacharyya R, Sarma S, Athauda T, Karmakar N. Electromagnetic Characterization of a Food Safe, Organic Smart Material for Customizable Temperature Threshold Sensing in Cold Chain Applications. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID) 2019 Apr 2 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

16. Sun Y, Armengol-Urpi A, Kantareddy SN, Siegel J, Sarma S. MagicHand: Interact with IoT Devices in Augmented Reality Environment. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) 2019 Mar 23 (pp. 1738-1743). IEEE.

17. Siegel J, Krishnan S, Subirana B, Sarma S, Merrit J, Joseph L, and Arias R. Realizing the Internet of Things: A Framework for Collective Action. Whitepaper, February 2019. 

18. Akitaya HA, Avery C, Bergeron J, Demaine ED, Kopinsky J, Ku J. Infinite All-Layers Simple Foldability. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08564. 2019 Jan 24.

19. King D, Ehrenberg I, Sawyer A, Arrick G, Mahaffey JE, McFarland W, Carter D, Inventors; Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc, Assignee. Hard-Point Fixture and System for Attaching the Fixture to a Target Surface. United States Patent Application US 15/986,144. 2019 Jan 17.

20. Melancon D, Hoberman C, Gorissen B, Garcia Mora C, Yang Y, Ku J, Demaine E, Bertoldi K. Inflatable Origami-Inspired Structures. InAPS Meeting Abstracts 2019.

21. Subirana, B, Gaidis, A, Sarma, S, Cantwell, R, Stine, J, Oliveira-Soens, P, Tarragò, Esteva, Hueto Puig, Ferran, Rajasekaran, Prithvi, and Armengol Urpi, Alex. (2019). A Secure Voice Name System to Wake Smart Devices. MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing Research and Computing Launch Postdoc and Student Poster Session. 10.13140/RG.2.2.12884.65921.

22. Akitaya H, Demaine ED, Horiyama T, Hull TC, Ku JS, Tachi T. Rigid Foldability is NP-Hard. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.01160. 2018 Dec 4.

23. Armengol-Urpi A, Sarma SE. Sublime: A Hands-Free Virtual Reality Menu Navigation System Using a High-Frequency SSVEP-based Brain-Computer Interface. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2018 Nov 28 (p. 1). ACM.

24. Sun Y, Wang Y, Liu Z, Siegel JE, Sarma SE. Pointgrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05591. 2018 Oct 12.

25. Sarma SE, Bonvillian WB. Fixing an Imperfect Labor Market Information System. Issues in Science and Technology. 2018 Oct 1; 35(1):56-61.

26. Suo D, Siegel JE, Sarma SE. Merging Safety and Cybersecurity Analysis in Product Design. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2018 Jul 26; 12(9):1103-9.

27. Jacoby CL, Jurewicz JM, Siegel JE, Winter AG, Jo YS, Yen P, Castillo GP, Dorsch DS, Inventors; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assignee. Clutchless Shifting of a Manual Transmission. United States Patent Application US 15/880,366. 2018 May 31.

28. Akitaya HA, Demaine ED, Demaine ML, Hesterberg A, Hurtado F, Ku JS, Lynch J. Pachinko. Computational Geometry. 2018 Mar 1; 68:226-42.

29. Biradar, A., DeBitetto, P., Phan, L., Duang, L., & Sarma, S. (2018, March). Hybrid-Electric Powered Aerospace Systems and the Battery Energy Density Revolution. In 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

30. Siegel, J., Erb, D., & Sarma, S. (2018). Algorithms and Architectures: A Case Study in When, Where and How to Connect Vehicles. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 10(1), 74-87.

31. Urpi, A. (2018). Responsive IoT: Using Biosignals to Connect Humans and Smart Devices. Master’s Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

32. S. N. R. Kantareddy, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma, "UHF RFID tag IC Power Mode Switching for Wireless Sensing of Resistive and Electrochemical Transduction Modalities," 2018 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Orlando, FL, USA, 2018, pp. 1-8.

33. Yongbin Sun, Wang, Yue, Ziwei Liu, Sanjay E. Sarma, Michael M. Bronstein, and Justin M. Solomon. "Dynamic Graph CNN for Learning on Point Clouds." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07829(2018)

34. Joshua E. Siegel, Shane Pratt, Yongbin Sun, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Real-time Deep Neural Networks for Internet-Enabled Arc-Fault Detection." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 74 (2018): 35-42.

35. Joshua E. Siegel, Yongbin Sun, and Sanjay Sarma. "Automotive Diagnostics as a Service: An Artificially Intelligent Mobile Application for Tire Condition Assessment." In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, pp. 172-184. Springer, Cham, 2018.

36. Y. Sun, S. N. R. Kantareddy, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma, "X-Vision: An Augmented Vision Tool with Real-Time Sensing Ability in Tagged Environments," submitted to 2018 IEEE International Conference on RFID-TA (RFID), Macau, China.

37. Subirana B, Sarma S, Rice JR, James, Cottrill K. (2018). Can Your Supply Chain Hear Me Now? MIT Sloan Management Review. 

38. Yongbin Sun, Ziwei Liu, Yue Wang, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Im2Avatar: Colorful 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image." arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.06375 (2018).

39. Subirana, Brian. (2018). Back to the Future: Anticipating Regulatory Hurdles within IoT (Internet of Things) Pelotons.

40. Subirana B, Sarma S, Cantwell R, Taylor M, Jacobs K, Warner S, Graman G, Hunt C, Stine J. (2018). Time to Talk: The Future for Brands is Conversational. 10.13140/RG.2.2.10490.75208.

41. Soley, Alexander M., Joshua E. Siegel, Dajiang Suo, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Value in Vehicles: Economic Assessment of Automotive Data." Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 20, no. 6 (2018): 513-527.

42. Subirana, B., Haghighi, N., Cantwell, R., & Sarma, S. (2018). Conversational Bricks and The Future of Architecture: Will< Stores> Survive as the Epicenter for< Retail> Activity in Society?. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research Vol. 7, No. 3, Pages 238-245. doi: 10.18178/ijscer.7.3.238-245.

43. Ehrenberg, Isaac & Siegel, Josh & Erb, Dylan. (2018). The Tallest Column: On Monetary Value of Stature in Jewish Law.

44. Ku JS. Folding Thick Materials Using Axially Varying Volume Trimming. In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. 2017 Nov 3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.

45. J. Siegel, R. Bhattacharyya, S. Kumar, S. Sarma, “Air Filter Particulate Loading Detection using Smartphone Audio and Optimized Ensemble Classification.” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Volume 66. November 2017. Featured on MIT’s Homepage, 10/26/17.

46. Siegel JE, Erb DC, Sarma SE. A Survey of the Connected Vehicle Landscape —Architectures, Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Development Areas. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017 Oct 4; 19(8):2391-406.

47. Subirana, B., Puig, M., & Sarma, S. (2017, October). Can Small Smart Swappable Battery EVs Outperform Gas Powertrain Economics? In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

48. Subirana, B., Perez-Sanchis, M., & Sarma, S. (2017, October). Randomness in Transportation Utility Models: The Triangular Distribution May Be a Better Choice than the Normal and Gumbel. In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2017 IEEE 20th International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

49. Bernardi, Linda; Sarma, Sanjay; and Traub, Ken. The Inversion Factor: How to Survive in the IoT Economy, MIT Press. Published October 2017.

50. Ehrenberg IM, Inventor; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assignee. Systems and Methods for Selectively Coating a Substrate Using Shadowing Features. United States Patent Application US 15/462,798. 2017 Sep 21.

51. Phan LN, Sarma SE, Wojcik CM, Davis EM, Sena BA, Lemus J, Inventors; Top Flight Technologies Inc, Assignee. Micro Hybrid Generator System Drone. United States Patent US 9,764,837. 2017 Sep 19.

52. Subirana, B., Bagiati, A. and Sarma, S. On Forgetting. 45th Annual Conference SEFI, Azores. 18-21 September 2017. 

53. S. N. R. Kantareddy, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma, "Low-Cost, Automated Inventory Control of Sharps in Operating Theaters Using Passive RFID Tag-Sensors," 2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID. Warsaw, Poland, September 2017, pp. 16-21.

54. Kumaravel, B. T., Bhattacharyya, R., Siegel, J., Sarma, S. E., & Arunachalam, N. (2017, September). Development of an Internet of Things Enabled Manufacturing System for Tool Wear Characterization. In Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA), 2017 IEEE 3rd International Symposium in (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

55. Demaine ED, Ku JS. Folded Structures Satisfying Multiple Conditions. Journal of Information Processing. 2017; 25:601-9.

56. Siegel, J. E., Kumar, S., & Sarma, S. E. (2017). The Future Internet of Things: Secure, Efficient, and Model-Based. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

57. Subirana, Brian, and Sanjay Sarma. "Burger King y Google: Publicidad interactiva e inteligencia artificial en el contexto del comercio conversacional: el anuncio en TV de Whopper y la respuesta de Google Home." Harvard Deusto Márketing y Ventas 144 (2017): 26-32.

58. Cano-Córdoba, Felipe, Sanjay Sarma, and Brian Subirana. Theory of Intelligence with Forgetting: Mathematical Theorems Explaining Human Universal Forgetting using “Forgetting Neural Networks”. Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), 2017.

59. Siegel, Joshua E., and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Systems and methods for managing data proxies." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/483,768. 2017.

60. Stets, Jonathan Dyssel, Yongbin Sun, Wiley Corning, and Scott W. Greenwald. "Visualization and Labeling of Point Clouds in Virtual Reality." In SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, p. 31. ACM, 2017.

61. Akitaya HA, Demaine ED, Ku JS. Simple Folding is Really Hard. Journal of Information Processing. 2017; 25:580-9.

62. S. N. R. Kantareddy, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma, "Towards Low-Cost Object Tracking: Embedded RFID in Golf Balls using 3D printed masks," 2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Phoenix, AZ, 2017, pp. 137-143.

63. Subirana, Brian, Aikaterini Bagiati, and Sanjay Sarma. On the Forgetting of College Academics: at "Ebbinghaus Speed?" Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), 2017.

64. Subirana, Brian. (2017). MOOCs Are NP-Complete: Implications for Pricing Policy, Digital Learning Transaction Streams and Business Models. 22-32. 10.21125/edulearn.2017.1006.

65. J. Siegel, D. Erb, I. Ehrenberg, P. Jain, S. Sarma, “Local Viscosity Control Printing for High Through-put Additive Manufacturing of Polymers.” In press in “3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing,” December 2016.

66. Datta SP. Intelligence in Artificial Intelligence. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.07862. 2016 Oct 24.

67. Datta SP. Emergence of Digital Twins. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.06467. 2016 Oct 15.

68. S. Dey, R. Bhattacharyya, N. Karmakar and S. Sarma, "Electromagnetic Characterization of Soil Moisture and Salinity for UHF RFID Applications in Precision Agriculture," in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE sponsored EuMW Conference, London, UK, October 3-7, 2016.

69. Ku JS, Demaine ED. Rigid Folding Analysis of Offset Crease Thick Folding. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia 2016 Sep 26 (Vol. 2016, No. 13, pp. 1-8). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).

70. J. Siegel, R. Bhattacharyya, A. Desphande, and S. Sarma, "Smartphone-Based Vehicular Tire Pressure and Condition Monitoring," in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE sponsored SAI Intellisys Conference, London, UK, September 21-22, 2016.

71. Siegel J, Kumar S, Ehrenberg I, Sarma S. Engine Misfire Detection with Pervasive Mobile Audio. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 2016 Sep 19 (pp. 226-241). Springer, Cham.

72. Ku JS, Demaine ED. Folding Flat Crease Patterns with Thick Materials. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 2016 Jun 1; 8(3):031003.

73. Kumar S, Deshpande A, Ho SS, Ku JS, Sarma SE. Urban Street Lighting Infrastructure Monitoring Using a Mobile Sensor Platform. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2016 Apr 8; 16(12):4981-94.

74. E. Md. Amin, R. Bhattacharyya, S. Sarma and N. Karmakar, “Microfluidic Paper Based Passive RF Sensor for Soil Salinity Measurement," in Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE MTT-S sponsored Australian Microwave Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, February 11-12, 2016.

75. Siegel, J. E. (2016). Data Proxies, The Cognitive Layer, and Application Locality: Enablers of Cloud-Connected Vehicles and Next-Generation Internet of Things (Doctoral Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

76. Subirana, B., Puig, M., and Sarma, S. Modeling Smart Swappable Batteries. Poster presentation in SIM Mobility Workshop, Singapore 2016. 

77. Jain, Pranay, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Fluid analysis using digital imagery." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/302,328. 2016.

78. Pretorius, Jacob, Sanjay Sarma, and Stephen Sai-Wung Ho. "System and Method for Discriminating Between Origins of Vibrations in an Object and Determination of Contact Between Blunt Bodies Traveling in a Medium." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/342,849. 2016.

79. Datta S. Digital-by-Design, AI and Digital Twins. 2016.

80. Erb DC, Siegel JE, Ehrenberg IM, Jain P, Inventors; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assignee. Systems, Devices, and Methods for Three-Dimensional Printing. United States Patent Application US 14/711,213. 2015 Nov 19.

81. J. Siegel, R. Bhattacharyya, A. Deshpande and S. Sarma, “Smartphone-Based Wheel Imbalance Detection," in Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference, Columbus, OH, October 28-31, 2015, pp V002T19A002; 10 pages.

82. Mayer, S.; Siegel, J. 2015. Conversations with Connected Vehicles, in IoT 2015: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things, 26–28 October 2015, Seoul, Korea, 1–7.

83. Ku JS, Ho S, Sarma S. Landmark Mapping from Unbiased Observations. In 2015 IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). 2015 Oct 25 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

84. Datta SP. Dynamic Socio-Economic Disequilibrium Catalyzed by the Internet of Things. Journal of Innovation Management. 2015 Oct 19; 3(3):4-9.

85. Hasan, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma. “Towards Pervasive Soil Moisture Sensing using RFID Tag Antenna-Based Sensors,” in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE RFID-TA Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 16-18, 2015, pp 165-170.

86. Demaine ED, Korman M, Ku JS, Mitchell JS, Otachi Y, van Renssen A, Roeloffzen M, Uehara R, Uno Y. Symmetric Assembly Puzzles are Hard, Beyond a Few Pieces. In Japanese Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs. 2015 Sep 14 (pp. 180-192). Springer, Cham.

87. Ehrenberg I, Sarma S, Steffen T, Wu BI. Incorporation of Active RF Circuit Elements into Additively Manufactured Substrates. In 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. 2015 Jul 19 (pp. 611-612). IEEE.

88. Abel Z, Cantarella J, Demaine ED, Eppstein D, Hull TC, Ku JS, Lang RJ, Tachi T. Rigid Origami Vertices: Conditions and Forcing Sets. arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.01644. 2015 Jul 6.

89. Erb DC, Ehrenberg IM, Sarma SE, Carlson E. Effects of Cell Geometry on Thermal Management in Air-Cooled Battery Packs. In 2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2015 Jun 14 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

90. R. Bhattacharyya, C. Swanson, M. Wong, B. Tien, E. Amin, I. Ehrenberg and S. Sarma, “Towards Low-Cost, Wireless Blood Anomaly Sensing: An RFID-based Anemia Detection Sensor,” in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on RFID, San Diego, CA, April 15-17, 2015, pp 189-196.

91. J. Civera, M. Ciocarlie, A. Aydemir, K. Bekris and S. Sarma, "Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation," in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 396-397, April 2015. doi: 10.1109/TASE.2015.2409511.

92. Wilhelm, E., Siegel, J., Mayer, S., Sadamori, L., Dsouza, S., Chau, C. K., & Sarma, S. (2015). Cloudthink: A Scalable Secure Platform for Mirroring Transportation Systems in The Cloud. Transport, 30(3), 320-329.

93. D. C. Erb, S. Kumar, S. E. Sarma and E. Carlson, "Size Matters: Why Cell Size is Vital for Minimizing Cost of Air-Cooling in Battery Packs," 2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), Dearborn, MI, 2015, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ITEC.2015.7165808.

94. Jacoby, Chad & Jo, Young & Jurewicz, Jake & Pamanes, Guillermo & Siegel, Josh & Yen, Patricia & Dorsch, Daniel & Winter, Amos. (2015). Design of a Clutchless Hybrid Transmission for a High-Performance Vehicle. V010T11A056. 10.1115/DETC2015-46812.

95. P. Bhattacharjee, M. Solanki, R. Bhattacharyya, I. Ehrenberg, and S. Sarma. "VacSeen: A Linked Data-Based Information Architecture to Track Vaccines Using Barcode Scan Authentication." SWAT4LS, Volume 1546 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 39-48., (2015).

96. Ehrenberg, Isaac, et al. "Fabrication of an X-Band Conformal Antenna Array on an Additively Manufactured Substrate." Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2015.

97. P. Jain and S. Sarma. "Light Scattering and Transmission Measurement Using Digital Imaging for Online Analysis of Constituents in Milk." SPIE Optical Metrology. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015.

98. J. Siegel, R. Bhattacharyya, A. Deshpande and S. Sarma, “Vehicular Engine Oil Service Life Characterization Using On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Sensor Data,” in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Sensors Conference, Valencia, Spain, November 2-5, 2014, pp 1722-1725.

99. E. Md Amin, R. Bhattacharyya, S. Sarma and N. Karmakar, “Chipless RFID Tag for Light Sensing," in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Memphis, TN, July 6-11, 2014, pp 1308-1309.

100. Ehrenberg IM, Sarma SE, Wu BI. Advancement of 3D printed Conformal FSS and Active Array. In 2014 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium) 2014 Jul 6 (pp. 275-275). IEEE.

101. P. Kalansuriya, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma. “A Novel Communication Method for Semi-Passive RFID Based Sensors,” in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014, pp 5902-5907.

102. Amin, E. M., Bhattacharyya, R., Kumar, S., Sarma, S., & Karmakar, N. C. (2014, June). Towards Low-Cost Resolution Optimized Passive UHF RFID Light Sensing. In WAMICON 2014 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

103. Krishnan, Sriram, and Sanjay Sarma. "System and method for providing the capability of peeling thin polymer films from a substrate." U.S. Patent No. 8,628,714. 14 Jan. 2014.

104. Pardal, Miguel L., Mark Harrison, Sanjay Sarma, and José Alves Marques. "Access Control Policies for Traceability Information Systems." International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. ISSN 2150-7988 Volume 6 (2014) pp. 560–570.

105. De Weck, Olivier, Darci Reed, Sanjay Sarma, and Martin Schmidt. "9 Trends in Advanced Manufacturing Technology Innovation." Production in the Innovation Economy (2014): 235.

106. Wang, Junyu, Christian Floerkemeier, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Session-Based Security Enhancement of RFID Systems for Emerging Open-Loop Applications." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18.8 (2014): 1881-1891.

107. Gogoana, Radu, Matthew B. Pinson, Martin Z. Bazant, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Internal Resistance Matching for Parallel-Connected Lithium-Ion Cells and Impacts on Battery Pack Cycle Life." Journal of Power Sources 252 (2014): 8-13.

108. Fisher, Dara R., Aikaterini Bagiati, and Sanjay Sarma. "Fostering 21st Century Skills in Engineering Undergraduates through Co-Curricular Involvement." American Society for Engineering Education. 2014.

109. Datta S. Internet of Systems (IoS)-Economic Re-Equilibration Catalyzed by Internet of Things (IoT). 2014.

110. Sarma, Sanjay E., Stephen Sai-Wung Ho, and Joshua E. Siegel. "System and method for providing road condition and congestion monitoring using smart messages." U.S. Patent No. 8,566,010. 22 Oct. 2013.

111. Wu BI, Ehrenberg I. Ultra Conformal Patch Antenna Array on a Doubly Curved Surface. In 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology 2013 Oct 15 (pp. 792-798). IEEE.

112. Subirana, B. (2013, September). Strategy and the Future of Software Applications. In Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science (ICETACS), 2013 1st International Conference on (pp. ii-ii). IEEE.

113. Hasan, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma. “A Monopole-Coupled RFID Sensor For Pervasive Soil Moisture Monitoring,” in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS URSI), Orlando, FL, July 7-13, 2013, pp 2309-2310.

114. R. Bhattacharyya, P. Kalansuriya and S. Sarma. “An antenna-based RFID expansion Joint Monitor,” in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando, FL, July 7-13, 2013, pp 2305-2306.

115. Sarma, Sanjay, and Brian Subirana. "Method and System for Performing Mobile RFID Asset Detection and Tracking." U.S. Patent No. 8,477,013. 2 Jul. 2013.

116. P. Kalansuriya, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma. “RFID Tag Antenna-Based Sensing for Pervasive Surface Crack Detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp 1564-1570, May 2013.

117. Foley, Joseph T., Sanjay Sarma, and Stephen A. Weis. "Enhanced security protocol for radio frequency systems." U.S. Patent No. 8,384,546. 26 Feb. 2013.

118. Siegel, J. E. (2013). CloudThink and the Avacar: Embedded Design to Create Virtual Vehicles for Cloud-Based Informatics, Telematics, and Infotainment (Doctoral Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

119. Pardal, Miguel L., Mark Harrison, Sanjay Sarma, and José Alves Marques. "Expressive RFID data Access Policies for the Pharmaceuticals Supply Chain." In RFID (RFID), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 199-206. IEEE, 2013.

120. Kong, Hui, Hatice Cinar Akakin, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "A Generalized Laplacian of Gaussian Filter for Blob Detection and Its Applications." (2013): 1-15.

121. Kong, Hui, Sanjay E. Sarma, and Feng Tang. "Generalizing Laplacian of Gaussian Filters for Vanishing-Point Detection." Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on 14, no. 1 (2013): 408-418.

122. Sive, Hazel, and Sanjay Sarma. "Education: Online On-Ramps." Nature 499.7458 (2013): 277-278.

123. Ehrenberg, Isaac M., Sanjay E. Sarma, and Bae-Ian Wu. "Lightweight Negative GRIN Lens Fabrication via Rapid Prototyping for Radio Applications." In Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), 2013 USNC-URSI, pp. 124-124. IEEE, 2013.

124. Deshpande, Ajay, et al. "Optimal Coverage of an Infrastructure Network using Sensors with Distance-Decaying Sensing Quality." Automatica 49.11 (2013): 3351-3358.

125. Ehrenberg IM. Advances in Non-Planar Electromagnetic Prototyping (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 2013.

126. Kumar, Sudhakar, Vivek K. Goyal, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Efficient Parametric Signal Estimation From Samples With Location Errors." Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 61.21 (2013): 5285-5297. 

127. P. Kalansuriya, R. Bhattacharyya, S. Sarma and N. Karmakar. “Towards Chipless RFID-Based Sensing for Pervasive Surface Crack Detection,” in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE RFID: Technologies and Applications Conference, Nice, France, November 2012, pp 46-51.

128. Ehrenberg IM, Sarma SE, Wu BI. Fully Conformal FSS via Rapid 3D prototyping. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2012 Jul 8 (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

129. Datta SP. An Unified Theory of Relativistic Identification of Information in the Systems Age: Proposed Convergence of Unique Identification with Syntax and Semantics through Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). International Journal of Advanced Logistics. 2012 Jul 1; 1(1):66-82.

130. Ku J, Qi J. Introduction to Origami Folding, Design, and Analysis. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction 2012 Feb 19 (pp. 383-384). ACM.

131. Pardal, Miguel L., Michael Harrison, Sanjay Sarma and J. A. Marques. "Enforcing RFID Data Visibility Restrictions using XACML Security Policies." RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2012.

132. Fisher, D., Aikaterini Bagiati, and Sanjay Sarma. "Student Ambassadors: Developing an Older Student Cohort." Proc. 40th SEFI Conf., Thessaloniki, Greece. 2012.

133. Ehrenberg, Isaac M., Sanjay E. Sarma, and Bae-Ian Wu. "Fully Conformal FSS via Rapid 3D Prototyping." Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2012 IEEE. IEEE, 2012.

134. Kumar, Sudhakar, Ajay Deshpande, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Stable Arrangements of Mobile Sensors for Sampling Physical Fields." American Control Conference (ACC), 2012. IEEE, 2012.

135. Ehrenberg, Isaac M., Sanjay E. Sarma, and Bae-Ian Wu. "A Three-Dimensional Self-Supporting Low Loss Microwave Lens with a Negative Refractive Index." Journal of Applied Physics 112.7 (2012): 073114.

136. Sarma, Sanjay. "How Inexpensive RFID Is Revolutionizing the Supply Chain: (Innovations Case Narrative: The Electronic Product Code)." Innovations 7.3 (2012): 35-52.

137. Lee J, Ku J, Waller L, Barbastathis G. Transport of Intensity Imaging Applied to Quantitative Optical Phase Tomography. In Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2011 May 9 (p. DTuD2). Optical Society of America.

138. Ehrenberg, Isaac M., Sanjay E. Sarma, and Bae-Ian Wu. "3D Metamaterial for Ultra-Compact Artificial Magnetic Conductor." Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronics Systems (COMCAS), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011.

139. Siegel, J. E. (2011). Design, Development, and Validation of a Remotely Reconfigurable Vehicle Telemetry System for Consumer and Government Applications (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

140. Mekid, Samir & Khalifa, Atia & Ben-Mansour, Rached & Ho, S & Sarma, Sanjay. (2011). Water Leaks Detection: Assessment of Wireless Communication through Water and Sand Media in Buried Supply Pipes.

141. Guinard, Dominique, Christian Floerkemeier, and Sanjay Sarma. "Cloud Computing, REST and Mashups to Simplify RFID Application Development and Deployment." Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Web of Things. ACM, 2011.

142. Schuster, E. W., Kumar, S., Sarma, S. E., Willers, J. L., & Milliken, G. A. (2011, November). Infrastructure for data-driven agriculture: identifying management zones for cotton using statistical modeling and machine learning techniques. In 2011 8th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

143. R. Bhattacharyya, D. Deavours, C. Floerkemeier and S. Sarma. “Tag Antenna Based Temperature Sensing in the Frequency Domain,” in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on RFID, Orlando, FL, April 2011, pp 70-77.

144. Kanakia, Hemant, Srikanth Nadhamuni, and Sanjay Sarma. "A UID Numbering Scheme." White Paper, May (2010).

145. R. Bhattacharyya, C. Floerkemeier and S. Sarma. “RFID Tag Antenna Based Sensing: Does Your Beverage Glass Need a Refill?” In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on RFID, Orlando, FL, April 2010, pp 126-133.

146. Tian L, Petruccelli JC, Ku JS, Liu X, Barbastathis G. Design of Systems for Underwater Optical Imaging in the Presence of Particulates. In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2010 (Vol. 6).

147. R. Bhattacharyya, C. Floerkemeier and S. Sarma. “Tag Antenna Based Temperature Sensing,” in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on RFID, Orlando, FL, April 2010, pp 8-15.

148. C. Floerkemeier, R. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarma. “Beyond the ID in RFID,” The Internet of Things, Springer NY 2010, pp 219-227.

149. Chatzigeogiou, D., et al. "In-Pipe Acoustic Characterization of Leak Signals in Plastic Water-Filled Pipes." AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, ACE. 2010.

150. Deshpande, Ajay, Sanjay E. Sarma, and Vivek K. Goyal. "Generalized Regular Sampling of Trigonometric Polynomials and Optimal Sensor Arrangement." Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 17.4 (2010): 379-382.

151. Hacker, Patrick, et al. "RFID Diagnostics of Promotion Execution." RFID, 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010.

152. Bhattacharyya, Rahul, Christian Floerkemeier, and Sanjay Sarma. "Low-Cost, Ubiquitous RFID Tag-Antenna-Based Sensing." Proceedings of the IEEE 98.9 (2010): 1593-1600.

153. R. Bhattacharyya, C.V Di Leo, C. Floerkemeier, S. Sarma and L. Anand. “RFID Tag Antenna Based Temperature Sensing using Shape Memory Polymer Actuation,” in Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Sensors Conference, Waikoloa, HI, November 2010, pp 2363-2368.

154. Floerkemeier, Christian, and Sanjay Sarma. "Integrating RFID Readers in Enterprise IT1." RFID Systems: Research Trends and Challenges (2010): 271.

155. R. Bhattacharyya, C. Floerkemeier and S. Sarma. “Towards Tag Antenna Based Sensing – An RFID Displacement Sensor,” in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on RFID, Orlando FL, April 2009, pp 95-102.

156. Sarma, Sanjay E., et al. "Guest Editorial Special Section on RFID." IEEE T. Automation Science and Engineering 6.1 (2009): 1-3.

157. Bhattacharyya, Rahul, Christian Floerkemeier, and Sanjay Sarma. "Towards Tag Antenna Based Sensing – An RFID Displacement Sensor." RFID, 2009 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2009.

158. Ho, S. and Sarma, S. “The Fragmented Warehouse: Multiple Picking,” The 2nd International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics (LINDI), September 2009.

159. Fleisch, Elgar, Sanjay Sarma, and Frédéric Thiesse. "Preface to the Focus Theme Section: ‘Internet of Things’." Electronic Markets 19.2-3 (2009): 99-102.

160. Floerkemeier, C., and S. Sarma. “RFIDSim—A Physical and Logical Layer Simulation Engine for Passive RFID.” Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 6.1 (2009): 33-43. 

161. Krishnan, S. and Sarma, E. “A Process of Manufacturing Very Thin PDMS Films,” in the Proceedings of the North American Manufacturing Research Conference, 2009. 

162. Deshpande, A. and Sarma, S. E. "Error Tolerant Distributions for Sampling", American Control Conference (ACC 2008), Seattle, WA, June 11-13, 2008.

163. Floerkemeier, C and Sarma, S. E. “An Overview of RFID System Interfaces and Reader Protocols,” IEEE RFID 2008, April 16-17, Las Vegas, 2008.

164. Lee, E. and Sarma, S., “Reference Free Part Encapsulation: Materials, Machines and Methods,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2008.

165. Deshpande, Ajay, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Error Tolerant Arrangements of Sensors for Sampling Fields." 2008 American Control Conference. IEEE, 2008.

166. Son, S. K., Kim, T., Sarma, S. E. and Slocum, A., “A Hybrid 5-Axis CNC Milling Machine,” Journal of the American Society for Precision Engineering, 2008. 

167. Sarma, Sanjay. (2008). RFID technology and its applications. 10.1017/CBO9780511541155.003.

168. Ho, Stephen and Sarma, S.E. “The Fragmented Warehouse: Location Assignment for Unit-Load Picking,” IEEE 2008 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore.

169. Ehrenberg I, Floerkemeier C, Sarma S. Inventory Management with an RFID-Equipped Mobile Robot. In2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2007 Sep 22 (pp. 1020-1026). IEEE.

170. Caskey, Kevin, and Brian Subirana. "Supporting SME E-Commerce Migration Through Blended E-Learning." Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 14.4 (2007): 670-688.

171. Subirana, B. and Vassilopoulos, A. Social Wi-Fi: What Should the Mayor of a Small Town Do? Caso SI-161-E IESE,  2007. 

172. Ehrenberg, I., Floerkemeier, C., and Sarma, S. “Inventory Management with an RFID-Equipped Mobile Robot” in Proceedings of CASE 2007, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. 1020-1026. September 22-25, 2007.

173. Subirana, B. and Wright, D. Google, Microsoft and the online advertising industry. SI-160-E. 2007.

174. Sarma, S., “Foreword: A Large Scale Effort,” Chapter in Global RFID: The Value of the EPCglobal Network for Supply Chain Management, Schuster, E., Brock, D., and Allen, S. Springer, January 2007.

175. Subirana, Brian & Cabañas, Manuel & Ortiz, Davinia. (2007). MMORPG Videogames: Impact of the Virtual Scene on the Real World.

176. Subirana, B. and Wright, D. Search Engines. Colección Cuadernos E-Business Center PwC & IESE. 2007.

177. Krishnan, S. and Sarma, S. “Improving Reliability in Peeling Thin PDMS Films,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 443-452, 2007.

178. Deshpande, A., Kim, T., Demaine, E. and Sarma, S., "A Pseudopolynomial Time O (log n) -Approximation Algorithm for Art Gallery Problems", in Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4619, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, pages 163-174, August 15-17, 2007.

179. Subirana, B. and Bain, M. Legal Programming Vol 49, No. 9, pp.57-62. Communications of the ACM. September 2006. 

180. Subirana, B., Sarma, S. and Fleisch, E. High-Resolution Management. IESE Alumni Magazine. pages 8-13. July-September 2006. 

181. Xu L, Ehrenberg I, Buldyrev SV, Stanley HE. Relationship Between the Liquid–Liquid Phase Transition and Dynamic Behaviour in the Jagla Model. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2006 Aug 24; 18(36):S2239. 

182. Sriram, Krishnan, and Sanjay E. Sarma. "Methods and apparatus for detecting and correcting penetration between objects." U.S. Patent No. 7,084,869. 1 Aug. 2006.

183. Swedberg, Claire. MIT and IESE study shows RFID’s value. RFID Journal. May 2006. 

184. Subirana, B., C. Ferguson, S. Sarma, S. Langford, M. Spears, G. Jastremski, J. Dubash and R. Lee EPC Changing the CPG industry: Improving retail promotional execution. EPC Global White Paper, 2006. 

185. Subirana, B., Sarma, S. and Thuvara, V. The Peloton Forecasting: An Approach for Emerging Technologies. XXVI International Symposium of Forecasting. 2006.

186. Subirana, B., Sarma, S., Ferguson, C., Supple, J., Spears, M.,  Lee, R., Dubash, J., Mason, M., Langford, S.,  & Roth, L. (2006). EPC Changing the CPG industry: Electronic Proof of Delivery. EPC Global White Paper, 2006. 10.13140/RG.2.2.19298.79047.

187. Ho, J., Engels, D. and Sarma, S. “HiQ: A Hierarchical Q-Learning Algorithm to Solve the Reader Collision Problem” IEEE Applications and the Internet Workshops, 2006. SAINT Workshops 2006.

188. Subirana, B., Brynjolfsson, E. and Kim,Y. Where is the Measurement? A Bibliography and Exploratory Review of the Impact of IT Investments on Business Process Performance (draft). February 2006. 

189. Subirana, B., Laubacher, R., Malone, T., and Kothari, S.P. What is RFID Worth to Your Company? Measuring Performance at the Activity Level. MIT Sloan Working Paper, January 2006.

190. Datta SP, Granger CW. Advances in Supply Chain Management: Potential to Improve Forecasting Accuracy. 2006.

191. Muñoz , N., Subirana, B. and Renart, L. The Metro Group Positioning in RFID in June 2005. SI-155-E. 2006.  

192. Muñoz , N., Subirana, B. and Renart, L. RFID in June 2005. A fundamental innovation for the retail industry. IESE Occasional paper 06/10 2006.

193. Sarma, S., “A History of the Auto-ID Center.” Chapter in RFID: Applications, Security, and Privacy (Eds. Garfinkel, S. and Rosenberg, B.) Addison-Wesley Professional, July 6, 2005. ISBN: 0321290968.

194. Rice, J., Ver Eecke, R., Subirana, B., and Tomlinson, A. Metro Wal-Mart RFID adoption. MIT-IESE Case Study. 2005. 

195. Subirana, B., Ghemawat, P., Pham, C. “Linux in 2004”. HBS Case series 9-705-407. 2004, revised 2005. 

196. Subirana, B. and Bain, M. Legal Programming: Designing Legally Compliant RFID and Software Agent Architectures for Retail Processes and Beyond. Research Monograph published by Ed. Springer, 2005, 313 pages. ISBN: 0387234144. 

197. Subirana, Brian & Sarma, Sanjay & Lee, Richard & Supple, James & Dubash, Jamshed. (2005). Assessing the Value: Applying the Peloton to the EPC Industry. 

198. Lee, H. & Peleg, B. & Rajwat, P. & Sarma, Sanjay & Subirana, Brian. (2005). Assessing the Value of RFID Technology and the EPC Standard for Manufacturers.

199. Kim, T. and Sarma, S., “Machinability: Geometric Reasoning for Cutting,” DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, ISSN: 1052-1798. American Mathematical Society, 2005. 

200. Subirana, B., Lee, H., Peleg-Gilliai, B., Rajwat, P., and Sarma, S. Assessing the Value of RFID technology and EPCglobal Standards for Consumer Goods Manufacturers. EPC Global White Paper 2005.

201. Subirana, Brian & Bain, Malcolm. (2005). Consumer Protection. 10.1007/0-387-23415-2_4.

202. Subirana, Brian & Bain, Malcolm. (2005). Intellectual Property Rights. 10.1007/0-387-23415-2_3.

203. Subirana, B., Sarma, S. Endicott, D. and Swamy, G. Paquetizando con RFID. July-September 2004 Issue. 

204. Subirana, B., Sarma, S., Endicott, D., Swamy, G. « Packetizing » The Real World. IESE Alumni Magazine. Pages 22-25. July-September 2004. 

205. Subirana, Brian. Executive leadership and ITs technical details: Teaching Approach for and Beyond. pp. 159-164(6). Volume 19, Number 2, June 2004.

206. Subirana, Brian. (2004). Why IT is Not Everywhere in B2B and the Role of the CEO in ‘IT’. pp. 149-158(10). Volume 19, Number 2, June 2004.

207. Kim, T. K., Son, S-K and Sarma, S. E. “On Actuator Reversal Motions of Machine Tools.” Mechanism and Machine Theory 39 (3), 299-322, March 2004.

208. Subirana, B., Sarma, S., and Kothari, S.P. Response to “Little Bang for the RFID buck”. Technology Review. Letters to the Editor. February, 2004.

209. Subirana, Brian. (2004). IT/Automation Cost Reduction in Intel Manufacturing Environment. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management.

210. Subirana, Brian & Richards, Whitman. (2004). Perceptual Organization, Figure-Ground, Attention and Saliency.

211. Sarma, Sanjay & Subirana, Brian & Kothari, S.P. (2004). RFID: Truly Innovative [3]. 107.

212. Business Case Formal Modeling for Distance Learning in the Context of a Business School: Towards GEMBA Leadership in Learning Technologies. Brian Subirana. Research project proposal. 2004. 

213. Subirana, B, Sarma, S., Lee, R. Supple, J. and Dubash, J. The Peloton Planning Tool: Applying the Peloton to the CPG industry. EPC Global White Paper 2004. 

214. Sarma, S, “Integrating RFID,” ACM Queue Magazine, 2(7). 2004.

215. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Client Software. 10.1057/9780230512948_2.

216. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Local Loop, ISPs and IAPs. 10.1057/9780230512948_3.

217. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Extensions of the Value Chain and Transaction-Stream Electronic Markets. 10.1057/9780230512948_8.

218. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Proprietary Content Providers: Aggregators (Portals). 10.1057/9780230512948_7.

219. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Hosting. 10.1057/9780230512948_5.

220. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Sources of Information Value. Sources of Information Value: Strategic Framing and the Transformation of the Information Industries. 10.1057/9780230512948.

221. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Conclusion: Strategic Framing and the Information Value Chain. 10.1057/9780230512948_9.

222. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Introduction: Digital Data and the Information Revolution. 10.1057/9780230512948_1.

223. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). Network Infrastructure: The Internet Backbone. 10.1057/9780230512948_4.

224. Ricart, Joan & Subirana, Brian & Valor, Josep. (2004). User Hardware. 10.1057/9780230512948_6.

225. Bain, Malcolm & Subirana, Brian. (2004). Towards Legal Programming. Computer Law & Security Report. 20. 44-52. 10.1016/S0267-3649(04)00009-3.

226. Subirana, Brian & Eckes, Chad & Herman, George & Sarma, Sanjay & Barrett, Michael. (2004). Measuring the Impact of Information Technology on Value and Productivity using a Process-Based Approach: The case for RFID Technologies. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management, Working papers. 10.2139/ssrn.478582.

227. McFarlane, D., Sarma, S. E., Chirn, J. L., Wong, C. Y. and Ashton, K., “Auto-ID Systems and Intelligent Manufacturing Controls,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 16 (4): 365-376, June 2003.

228. Engels, D. W., Rivest, R. L., Sarma, S. E. and Weis, S. A., “Security and Privacy Aspects of Low-Cost Radio Frequency Identification Systems,” First International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing (SPC 2003), March 12-14, 2003.

229. Subirana, Brian & Bain, Malcolm. (2003). Architecting and Managing Virtual Learning Networks: A Business Process-Orientated Approach to Legal Compliance. European Management Journal. 21. 598-613. 10.1016/S0263-2373(03)00109-9.

230. Bain, Malcolm & Subirana, Brian. (2003). E-commerce oriented software agents. Computer Law & Security Review. 19. 201-211. 10.1016/S0267-3649(03)00303-0.

231. Bain, Malcolm & Subirana, Brian. (2003). Legalising Autonomous Shopping Agent Processes. Computer Law & Security Report. 19. 375-387. 10.1016/S0267-3649(03)00505-3.

232. Subirana, Brian. (2003). IT/Automation Cost Reduction in Intel's Manufacturing Environment. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.469282.

233. Bain, Malcolm & Subirana, Brian. (2003). E-commerce Oriented Software Agents: Some Legal Challenges of Advertising and Semi-Autonomous Contracting Agents. Computer Law & Security Review. 282-288.

234. Khan, Kashif, and Sanjay Sarma. "Vibratory Assembly Update: Part Transportation Mechanics Analysis." 2003.

235. Balasubramaniam, Mahadevan, Sanjay E. Sarma, and Krzyztof Marciniak. "Collision-Free Finishing Toolpaths from Visibility Data." Computer-Aided Design 35.4 (2003): 359-374.

236. Subirana, B., and Puigdengoles, E. Oracle & “La Caixa” Partnership: Caixa Exchange, a supply chain marketplace offering. IESE Publishing Case Series. 

237. Revolution in the Music Industry. IESE Publishing Case Series. CD-Rom Interactive Case. 2003.

238. Adachi, Y., Ikemoto, A., Kumano, T., Krishnan, S. and Sarma, S., "Operation of a Non-Convex Shape Object in a Haptic Virtual Environment", Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 21 (4), pp.409-419, 2003.

239. Kim, T. and Sarma, S.E., “Optimal Sweeping Paths on a 2-Manifold.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. v19 i4. 613-636. 2003.

240. Waldrop, J., Engels, D. W. and Sarma, S. E., “Colorwave: A MAC for RFID Reader Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2003.

241. Bain, M. and Subirana, B. Towards Legal Programming: A Legal Analysis of Ecommerce and Personal Assistant Agents Using a Process/IT View of the Firm, The Computer Law and Security Report Journal, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 201-211, Elsevier Science. 2003.

242. Bain, M. and Subirana, B. Legalizing Shopping Agent Processes. Computer Law and Security Report Journal, Elsevier Science. Vol. 19, Issue 5, Pp. 375-387. 2003. 

243. Waldrop, J., Engels, D. W. and Sarma, S. E., “Colorwave: An Anticollision Algorithm for the Reader Collision Problem,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC03), 2003.

244. Ricart, J.E., Subirana, B., Valor, J. Foreword by Ghemawat, P. Sources of Information Value. Strategic Framing and the Information Industries. Pergamon-Macmillan Press. 2003. ISBN: 1403912335. 

245. Bain, M. and Subirana, B. Legalizing Shopping Agent Processes. Computer Law and Security Report Journal, Elsevier Science. Vol. 19, Issue 5, Pp. 375-387. 2003. 

246. Balasubramaniam, M., Sarma, S. E. and Marciniak, K., “Collision-Free Finishing Tool Paths from Visibility Data,” Computer-Aided Design 35, 359-374, 2003.

247. Subirana, B., Welton, T., Stanzyk, S. IT/Automation Cost Reduction in Intel's Manufacturing Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan, 2003.

248. Why IT is Not Everywhere in B2B and the Role of the CEO in “IT”. International Conference on Information Systems. Dec. 2003.

249. Sarma, S. and Engels, D. “On the Future of RFID Tags and Protocols,” Auto-ID Center White Paper MIT-AUTOID-WH018, 2003.

250. Subirana, B. Technology’s Impact on the Future of Organizations. IESE Alumnae Magazine, nº 88. Published interview in conjunction with Malone, T.W. December 2002-March 2003 issue.

251. Balasubramaniam, M., Kim, T. and Sarma, S. E., “Some Theory and Algorithms Pertaining to Machinability and Visibility,” Proceedings of IMECE 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, November 17-22, 2002.

252. Engels, D. W., Sarma, S. E., Putta, L. and Brock, D., “The Networked Physical World System,” Proceedings of IADIS International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2002.

253. Engels, D. W. and Sarma, S. E., “The Reader Collision Problem,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 2002.

254. Sarma, S. E., Weis, S. A. and Engels, D. W., “Low Cost RFID and the Electronic Product Code,” Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2002), San Francisco, CA, August 12-15, 2002.

255. McFarlane, D., Sarma, S. E., Chirn, J. L., Wong, C. Y. and Ashton, K., “The Intelligent Product in Manufacturing Control and Management,” presented at the IFAC World Congress 2002, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002.

256. Lee, E., Valdivia, P., Fan, W. and Sarma, S. E., “The Process Window for Reference Free Part Encapsulation,” Transactions of the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 124 (2), 358-368, May 2002.

257. Kim, T. and Sarma, S. E., “Toolpath Generation Along Directions of Maximum Kinematic Performance; A First Cut at Machine-Optimal Paths,” Computer Aided Design 34 (6), 453-468, May 2002.

258. Mittal, R., Seshadri, V., Sarma, S. and Udyakumar, H. S., “Computational Modeling of Fluidic Micro-Handling Processes,” The Fifth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 388-391, April 22-25, 2002.

259. Adachi, Y., Ho, S., Sarma, S., Ikemoto, A. and Kumano, T., “Development of Haptic CAM System for 5-Axis Machining,” Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 68 (4), 591-596, 2002.

260. Adachi, Y., Ikemoto, A., Kumano, T., Sriram, K. and Sarma, S., “Development of an Advanced Digital Mockup System with Haptic Interface,” Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan Annual Conference, 2002.

261. Balasubramaniam, M., Ho, S., Sarma, S. E. and Adachi, Y., “Generation of Collision-Free 5-axis Tool Paths Using a Haptic Surface,” Computer-Aided Design 34 (4), 267-279, 2002.

262. Sarma, S.E., Weis, Stephen, S.S., Engels, D. W. “RFID Systems and Security and Privacy Implication.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag: London, UK, 2002. 454 – 469.

263. Sarma, S., Brock, D. and Engels, D., “Radio Frequency Identification and the Electronic Product Code,” IEEE Micro 21 (6), 50-54, Nov/Dec 2001.

264. Lee, E. and Sarma. S., “The Machine Designs Behind Reference Free Part Encapsulation,” ASME DETC 2001/DFM-21188, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2001.

265. Choi, D. S., Lee, S. H., Shin, B. S., Whang, K. H., Yoon, K. K. and Sarma, S. E., “A New Rapid Prototyping System Using Universal Automated Fixturing with Feature-Based CAD/CAM,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113 (1-3), 285-290, June 2001.

266. Balasubramaniam, M., Sarma, S., Joshi, Y. and Shaikh, Z., “An Approach for Tool Sequence Selection for Three-Axis Rough Machining,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 359-366, May 2001.

267. Lee, E., Sarma, S., Valdivia, P. and Fan, W., “Simulations and Experiments in Encapsulation Fixturing,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 607-614, May 2001.

268. Kim, T. and Sarma, S., “Velocity Performance of 5-Axis Machine Tools with Respect to a Surface,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 443-452, May 2001.

269. Balasubramaniam, M., Joshi, Y., Engels, E., Sarma, S. and Shaikh, Z., “Tool selection in Three-Axis Rough Machining,” International Journal of Production Research 39 (18), 4215-4238, 2001.

270. Ho, S., Sarma, S. E. and Adachi, Y., “Real-Time Interference Analysis Between a Tool and an Environment,” Computer-Aided Design, 33 (13), 935-947. 2001.

271. Adachi, Y., Ikemoto, A., Kumano, T., Sarma, S. and Sriram, K., “Operation of the Object of Complicated Form in Virtual Environment,” Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Robot Society of Japan, 185-186, 2001.

272. Engels, D., Foley, J., Waldrop, J., Sarma, S. and Brock, D., “The Networked Physical World: An Automated Identification Architecture” Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD01), 76-77, 2001.

273. Sarma, S., “Towards the 5 cents tag,” Auto-ID Center White Paper MIT-AUTOID-WH-006, 2001.

274. Kim, T. and Sarma, S., “Time-Optimal Paths Covering a Surface,” Proceedings of the 9th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, University of Cambridge, UK, 126-143, September 2000.

275. Sarma, S., “The Crossing Function and its Application to Zig-Zag Tool Paths,” Computer-Aided Design 31 (14), 881-890, 2000.

276. Adachi, Y., Kumano, T., Ikemoto, A., Sarma, S. and Ho, S., “Development of Haptic CAM,” Proceedings of the Spring Meeting of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, 137, 2000.

277. Balasubramaniam, M., Putta, L., Shaikh, Z. and Sarma, S. E., “Generating 5-Axis NC Roughing Paths Directly from a Tessellated Representation,” Computer-Aided Design 32 (4), 261-277, 2000.

278. Subirana, B. and Carvajal, P. Transaction Streams: Theory and Examples Related to Confidence in Internet-Based Electronic Commerce. Journal of Information Technology. Vol. 15. No. 1, pp: 3 – 16. 2000. 

279. Engels, D. W. and Sarma, S. E., “Toward an Open-Architecture Specification Language for Machine Control,” Proceedings of Sensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining and Manufacturing Mechatronics (SPIE), Boston, MA, 3832, 17-25, September 1999.

280. Balasubramaniam, M. and Sarma, S. E., “3-Axis Tool Selection,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on CAD/CAM, Bangalore, India, January 1999.

281. Sarma, S., Brock, D. and Ashton, K., “The Networked Physical World – Proposals for Engineering the Next Generation of Computing, Commerce, and Automatic-Identification,” Auto-ID Center White Paper MIT-AUTOID-WH001, 1999.

282. Serra, J. R., Del Bimbo, A. and Subirana, B. Texture Frame Curves and Regions of Attention Using Adaptive Non-Cartesian Networks. Pattern Recognition. Vol. 32, pp. 503-515. Pergamon. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd., 1999.

283. Sarma, S. E. and Wright, P. K., “Using Mechanical Hardware to Simplify Process Planning,” Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 11 (3), 147-155, July 1998.

284. Subirana, B. Transactions Streams and Value Added: Sustainable Business Models on the Internet. In New managerial mindsets: organizational and strategy implementation, 1998. Edited by M.A.Hitt, J.E.Ricart and R.D.Nixon. John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 129-148.

285. Balasubramaniam, M., Putta, L., Shaikh, Z. and Sarma, S. E., “A Feature Free Approach to Tool Selection and Path Planning in 3-Axis Rough Cutting,” First International Conference of Responsive Manufacturing, Nottingham, England, 47-60, September 1997.

286. Putta, L. and Sarma, S. E., “A Feature Free Approach to 5-Axis Path Generation,” Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technology Conference, Sacramento, CA, DFM-4325, September 1997.

287. Putta, L. and Sarma, S. E., “A Direct CAD/CAM Technology for 3-Axis Machining,” International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Florence, Italy, 1, 293-303, June 1997.

288. Sarma, S. E. and Wright, P. K., “Reference Free Part Encapsulation: A New Universal Fixturing Concept,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 16 (1), 35-47, 1997.

289. Sarma, S. E. and Wright, P. K., “Decision Monotonicity in Incremental Design: A Case Study of Design for Manufacture,” Research In Engineering Design 9, 235-245, 1997.

290. Sarma, S. E. and Wright, P. K., “Algorithms for the Minimization of Setups and Tool Changes in Simply Fixturable Components in Milling,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 15 (2), 95-112, 1996.

291. Subirana, B. and Richards, W. Attentional Frames, Frame Curves and Figural Boundaries: The Inside/Outside Dilemma. Vision Research. Vol. 36, No 10, pp. 1493-1501. Pergamon. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd., 1996.

292. Sarma, S. E., Schofield, S. M., Stori, J. A., MacFarlane, J. and Wright, P. K., “Rapid Product Realization from Detail Design,” Computer-Aided Design 28, 383-392, 1996.

293. Sarma, S. E., Stori, J. A., MacFarlane, J. and Wright, P. K., “A Machining Marketplace: Planning with Multiple Networked Machine Tools,” Concurrent Design and Manufacturing, Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 189-199, November 1995.

294. Sarma, S. E., MacFarlane, J. and Wright, P. K., “Reducing Global Interactions: A New Paradigm for Simplifying Concurrent Process Planning,” Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 64, 281-290, August 1993.